OTICON’2016 Invitation
‘Innovations in occupational therapy: The key towards the excellence”
The theme was selected with the premise that in the present knowledge age, discovery and innovations is the key to progress and leadership. Moreover the global concern for Occupational Therapy is the requirement to increase research capacity by developing methodologies and promoting occupational therapy research. The outcome of the conference could help us understand the top priorities in our field. This could help occupational therapist as well as the policy makers of our profession in future to:
1. Encourage / conduct high quality researches which explore the evidence and conceptual basis of Occupational Therapy in India, its significance as a healthcare profession in India, Health and economic effectiveness of occupational therapy intervention etc…
2. This helps the occupational therapists and policymakers of our profession to enlighten our policy makers in government about our profession and professional needs like the importance and cost effectiveness of Occupational therapy interventions for the society, need of a statutory council for Occupational Therapy etc….
3. To form a uniform research, educational (esp. research education), clinical practices standards in all over India.
To obtain funding from government to conduct high quality and/or multicenter studies