Paper Submission Guidelines :
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1. Font Type : Times New Roman
2. Font Size
3. Line Spacing
4. Margins set as 1.0
Body : 12 size
Footnote : 10 size
Body : 1.5 Space
Footnote : Single Space
5. Headings and sub-headings of the paper to be numbered, preceded by a line space, and be formatted in bold type.
6. Sub-heading of the paper to be preceded by a line space and be formatted in bold type.
7. Citations:
- Journal
Thomas J. Schoenbaum, “Trade and Environment - Free International Trade and Protection of the Environment : Irreversible Conflict”, 86AJIL(1992) pp 700-735 at 712.
- Books
Shearer, Starke’s InternationalLaw, 11 Edn .(Butterworths,London, 1994), p 21
- Edited Book
Antonio Cassese, “International Criminal Law”, in Malcolm D. Evans (ed)
International Law, (Oxford, Uni. Press 2003), pp721-756 at p 748 Cases
Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, AIR1975 SC597
- News Paper
The Hindu (Chennai Edn) dt 6 November 2009 at p 11
- Web Sources
Web link, Last visited on 12-10-2009