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      Track Title: 

      • ICCP2016 - Call for Paper


      Call for Abstracts 

      You are invited to submit a proposal for a Paper Session, Poster Session, Workshop, Symposium or Conversation Session for the Third International Conference On Counselling, Psychotherapy and Wellness

      Conference Themes

      • Culture, ethnicity and practice
      • Diversity issues (gender, religion, class, caste, sexual orientation, special groups)
      • Religion, spirituality, and transpersonal approaches
      • Theories and techniques in counselling and psychotherapy
      • Integrative and ecclectic practice in counselling and psychotherapy
      • Research in counselling and psychotherapy
      • Supervision in counselling and psychotherapy
      • Integrating traditional and indigenous healing practices into counselling and psychotherapy
      • Recent advances in counselling and psychotherapy

      Descriptions of Presentations:

      Paper Session – a 15 or 20 minute paper presentation followed by a facilitated conversation among the presenters and the audience.

      Poster Session – a poster display with the opportunity for informal discussions among presenters and participants. Posters will remain on display throughout the conference. 

      Workshop – a 90 minute experiential workshop of a healing modality or counselling technique.

      Conversation Session – a facilitated discussion for 1 hour on a topic related to one of the conference themes.

      Symposium - a 60 minute group presentation on theme relevant to the conference with three speakers on a common theme

      Submission Procedures

      Please submit a proposal with your name, affiliation, email address, abstract (150 - 250 words describing your presentation), which type of session you are proposing – paper, poster, workshop, or conversation session, and which theme(s) your abstract relates to.

      You can submit your abstract online in the following form by typing your abstract in the space provided or by uploading a doc. file