Welcome to ICARE2019 Conference at Sri Lanka.
New authors still can submit their Abstract with full paper. The system accept it.

Welcome Guest!

This Event Completed Successfully

This event completed successfully on 20th Dec 2019. We thank all the participants for their gracious presence.
ICARE2019 - Call for Papers

New authors still can submit their Abstract with full paper. The system accept it.

Call for Paper invited from Accounting, Management, Commerce, Economics,IT/Computer, Legal and Forensic Professionals/researchers

 Conference Scope

Papers are now accepted for oral and poster presentations for the 5th International conference for Accounting Education and Research (ICARE 2019).

The papers will be accepted for following scopes.


Forensic Education

Forensic Accounting

Forensic Auditing

Forensic Investigation

Forensic Accounting and Information Technology

Behavioral and Social Aspects of Forensic Accounting

Any others related to themes

Important Note:

This Conference uses automated submission system. Hence you must know the difference in using the system.

  1. Please do not upload "Abstract" document in the "Full Paper Upload". Abstract should be submitted in the "text box" area with max.150 words.
  2. ResearchPaperSubmissionGuidelines.pdf
  3. TechnicalPaperSubmissionGuidelines.pdf
  4. Please add "ALL" your authors while submitting Abstract with their correct email id. Ignoring this note, will make the authors details not availble during "Souvneir creation" by the system automatically.
  5. Any technical issues... Whatsapp +91.9944050600 Email: support@mypadnow.com


This Conference intends to publish select qualified quality papers received and presented at the Conference on Indexed Journals . This process will be after the presentation done by the author and evaluation received from Juries for a post conference editorial review before publication.


Forensic Education

Forensic Accounting

Forensic Auditing

Forensic Investigation

Forensic Accounting and Information Technology

Behavioral and Social Aspects of Forensic Accounting

Any others

General session

General session

Forensic science
Any other