Dear Prof.Chennappagaru, Of all other things, your meticulous planning, organizing and... more
Dear sir, Thank you for giving us the opportunity to participate and present the paper and... more
Photo Gallery of our 3 day event is available on this site. You can view & download the Photos... more
Thanks for good arrangements.we received many new approaches and dimensions regarding global... more
Respected sir, it was a great privilege for me to present a paper in international seminar for the... more
It's a highly successful event. It's possible because of u r friendliness, enthusiasm and... more
Dear Sir/madam, Warm greetings for the day!! My hearty congratulations to you and your team... more

About Dept.of Commerce

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The Department came into existence as an independent wing of Osmania University with the launching of B.Com. course in 1945.  The Department has been making intensive efforts to improve its profile, by serving the community on different fronts, in the form of imparting education through various courses, undertaking projects financed by the U.G.C., State Government, Industrial establishments, etc. and encouraging intensive research on topics of contemporary relevance.


M.Com. programme is offered in University campus and in the three constituent colleges; viz. University College for Women, Koti and Nizam College in the city of Hyderabad ,  P G College, Secunderabad, and about 44 other Private Colleges situated at Hyderabad and Secunderabad and other districts. The Department is also imparting Commerce education at Undergraduate level, through a network of about 425 affiliated colleges  about 1,20,000 Commerce students.  

The Department is always in the fore front in leading other Institutions in the State in designing the common-core syllabus at under-graduate level and showing a new direction to educational institutions from time to time. The premier and unique master programmes like, M.Com (Finance) and M.Com (Information Systems), are designed to suit the needs of the corporate world. Various programmes like, Spoken English to help the students with regional medium in improving their communication skills, personality development programmes, seminars etc are being conducted to enhance their employment opportunities in various sectors.

The department also runs an internationally reputed Quarterly Journal “Osmania Journal of International Business Studies” which has very large readership all over the world. The learned faculty strive always our students towards realising their dreams and attaining their goals.



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