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      Track Title: 

      • Call for Papers


         Abstract Submission

      All abstracts should be written in English and submitted on or before October 20th , 2014  through on-line abstract system. 

      The title of the paper should be 16 pt Times New Roman and the Name and Address must be cantered with 14 pt Times New Roman. The main text should be single-spaced, in 12 pt Times New Roman with Key words at the end.  The number of words in the abstract should not exceed 400.

      All submissions will be reviewed in terms of quality, impact and relevance to the Conference by subject experts. The notification will be directed to the corresponding author by 20th October  2014

      Guidelines for paper Presentations


      ·         Own laptops are not permitted in the conference Rooms.

      ·         You are requested to send Power Point file to the Secretariat through e.mail or provide at the registration desk during the conference.

      ·         The maximum speaking time for oral presentation is 15 minutes (including time for discussion). This time frame will be strictly adhered to by the session Organizer/Chair.


      ·         Poster boards are located in Poster Room

      ·         All posters will be displayed during the conference as per the scheduled programme. Mounting stickers will be available in the poster room or contact the information desk of the conference.

      ·         Size of the poster board is 120 cm high and 90 cm wide.


      Important notice:

      ·         Submission of abstract implies the willingness of at least one of the authors of the paper to register as delegate on or before October 15, 2014.

      ·         Papers without, at least, one author registering by October 15, 2014 will be automatically excluded from the conference programme and abstract book.