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      Track Title: 

      • Call For Paper-WMTSD2014


      Participants intending to present a paper (oral/poster) in the conference should send an abstract of about 300 words on or before 15th December 2013. Poster Presentation is only for student participants. (Poster size 100 x 90 cms) Acceptance of abstracts will be intimated by 22nd December 2013. Last date for submission of full paper and Registration is 10th January, 2014. Abstracts and full papers can be sent in MS Word attachment by email to


      Guidelines To Author: 

      Papers should not exceed 3000 words. They should be typed in single column, with 1.5 line spacing, in Times New Roman 12 font. The first page should include the paper title, with the author’s name, postal address, and telephone number and email ID at the right hand top corner of the page. Please do not have a cover page for the paper.
      Prizes will be awarded for best paper and best poster.
      Selected papers will be published in peer reviewed international index journals.
      Paper presentation is not mandatory for participation in the conference